उपसर्ग अनुसार पृष्ठ
नेविगेशन पर जाएँ
खोज पर जाएँ
- Sub
- Sub-Divisional Forest Officer
- Sub-Divisional Magistrate
- Sub-Divisional Officer
- Sub-Indus variety
- Sub-account seal
- Sub-agent
- Sub-archesporial
- Sub-area culture
- Sub-assembly
- Sub-auditor
- Sub-base
- Sub-cellar
- Sub-class of files
- Sub-compound
- Sub-conical mound
- Sub-culture
- Sub-district
- Sub-division of holdings
- Sub-division of shares
- Sub-exchange
- Sub-group culture
- Sub-lease
- Sub-ledger
- Sub-manufacture
- Sub-manufacturing account
- Sub-marginal
- Sub-office account
- Sub-optimum
- Sub-paragraph
- Sub-phase
- Sub-post master
- Sub-shrine
- Sub-soil water
- Sub-sow block
- Sub-treasury
- Sub-work
- Sub (subordinate)
- Sub Area Commander
- Sub Assistant Post Master
- Sub Deputy Inspector
- Sub Editor
- Sub Fire Station Officer
- Sub Inspector
- Sub Judge
- Sub Lieutenant
- Sub Overseer
- Sub Overseer Mistry
- Sub Post Master
- Sub boric acid
- Sub climax
- Sub cuticle
- Sub head
- Sub inspector
- Sub inspector of police
- Sub isopolar
- Sub judge
- Sub mortage
- Sub opposite
- Sub oxide
- Sub petiolar
- Sub post office
- Sub rule
- Sub section
- Sub shrub
- Sub terminal market
- Sub tropical
- Sub zero treatment
- Subapical meristem (Algae)
- Subarborescent
- Subarborescent fern
- Subarctic element
- Subatomic
- Subatomic particle
- Subbacteriostatic
- Subcaulescent
- Subcell
- Subcelullar fraction
- Subcrenate
- Subcritical annealing
- Subcultural
- Subdendroid
- Subdichotomous
- Subdivided
- Subdivided bar
- Subdivision (state)
- Subedar
- Subedar Major
- Suberic acid
- Suberin layer
- Suberisation
- Suberites
- Suberized
- Suberogenic acid
- Subexcitation
- Subexcitation electron
- Subfamily
- Subfluoride
- Subforma
- Subhalides
- Subherbaceous
- Subhydrate
- Subiculum (subicle)
- Subinferior
- Subinfluent
- Subinhibitory
- Subinoculation
- Subiotic cell
- Subject age
- Subject articualtion
- Subject combination
- Subject course
- Subject department
- Subject filing
- Subject magazine
- Subject matter approach
- Subject numeric (system)
- Subject pertinence
- Subject promotion
- Subject to
- Subject to..
- Subject to approval
- Subject to the condition that
- Subject to the provisions of
- Subjection
- Sublenticular
- Sublethal current
- Subletting
- Sublimaition curve
- Sublimate solution
- Sublimation point
- Sublime
- Submarine archaeology
- Submarine throat (drop throat)
- Submersion
- Submersus (submerged)
- Submicroscopic pores
- Submissive
- Submit
- Submitted for information
- Submitted for order (s)
- Submitted for perusal
- Submoderate virus
- Submolecular orbital
- Subneat
- Subnitrate
- Subordinal
- Subordinate bodies
- Subordinate office
- Subordinate service
- Subparallel aggregate
- Subreniform
- Subrogated
- Subrogation
- Subscale formation
- Subscriber
- Subscriber dialling
- Subscribers trunk dialling
- Subsequent
- Subsere
- Subsessile
- Subsidation equipment
- Subsidiary Intelligence Bureau
- Subsidiary chest
- Subsidiary company
- Subsidiary condition
- Subsidiary crop
- Subsidiary intelligence bureau
- Subsidiary marriage
- Subsidiary plant
- Subsidiary receipt
- Subsidiary register
- Subsidiary summary
- Subsidized industrial housing scheme
- Subsistence allowance
- Subsistence economy
- Subsisting
- Substantial
- Substantial irregularity
- Substantial security
- Substantive activities
- Substantive descripiton
- Substantive dye
- Substantive nature
- Substantive pay
- Substantive trench
- Substantivity
- Substation
- Substellate
- Substerranean chambers
- Substituent
- Substitute association
- Substitute goods
- Substituted agent
- Substituted security
- Substitution effect
- Substitution product
- Substitution solid solution
- Substitution titration
- Substitutional binary alloy
- Substitutional diffusion
- Substitutional mixed crystal
- Substitutional reaction
- Substomatal
- Substomatal cavity
- Substomatal chamber
- Substructure
- Substuted policy
- Subterminal meristem
- Subterraneous
- Subtilin
- Subtility
- Subulate
- Subulate processes
- Suburban market
- Subvention
- Subwaxy