नेविगेशन पर जाएँ
खोज पर जाएँ
इस श्रेणी की कुल २६ में से २६ उपश्रेणियाँ निम्नलिखित हैं।
- अभिलेखागार-A (१८ पृ)
- अभिलेखागार-B (९ पृ)
- अभिलेखागार-C (५१ पृ)
- अभिलेखागार-D (३८ पृ)
- अभिलेखागार-E (१५ पृ)
- अभिलेखागार-F (५३ पृ)
- अभिलेखागार-G (२० पृ)
- अभिलेखागार-H (१९ पृ)
- अभिलेखागार-I (२८ पृ)
- अभिलेखागार-J (३ पृ)
- अभिलेखागार-K (२ पृ)
- अभिलेखागार-L (१७ पृ)
- अभिलेखागार-M (३८ पृ)
- अभिलेखागार-N (२५ पृ)
- अभिलेखागार-O (३० पृ)
- अभिलेखागार-P (८७ पृ)
- अभिलेखागार-Q (५ पृ)
- अभिलेखागार-R (८२ पृ)
- अभिलेखागार-S (८७ पृ)
- अभिलेखागार-T (२७ पृ)
- अभिलेखागार-U (१९ पृ)
- अभिलेखागार-V (५ पृ)
- अभिलेखागार-W (१० पृ)
- अभिलेखागार-X (२ पृ)
- अभिलेखागार-Y (२ पृ)
- अभिलेखागार-Z (२ पृ)
"अभिलेखागार" श्रेणी में पृष्ठ
इस श्रेणी की कुल ६९४ में से २०० पृष्ठ निम्नलिखित हैं।
(पिछला पृष्ठ) (अगला पृष्ठ)A
- Cadjan leaves
- Calendared document
- Calligraphic design
- Cambric
- Carbon disulphide
- Carbon ink
- Carbon tetrachloride
- Carbonaceous ink
- Carboxide
- Carton box
- Cartulary (chartulary)
- Case document
- Case file
- Casein
- Casing
- Casing slab
- Catalyzer
- Categorization of files
- Cellulose acetate foil
- Central repository
- Ceramic remains
- Certified documents
- Chain molecules of celluose
- Characters (of a record)
- Charred document
- Charter document
- Chartulary (cartulary)
- Chemical method
- Chiffon
- Church archives
- Cire perdue
- Classes of records
- Classified document
- Close custody institution
- Closed file
- Closed records
- Cloth casing
- Cockle
- Cockroach
- Cotton thread
- Couch
- Counter-sealed document
- Country correspondence
- Covering
- Crease
- Creaseless document
- Creation of records
- Creosol (creasol)
- Critical angle
- Crumple
- Cutting press
- Dated document
- Dehydrated document
- Desensitizer
- Destruction schedule
- Detaching of plate
- Dextrine
- Diaminophenol
- Direct exposure
- Disarranged document
- Disc pin
- Discrete items
- Disposal schedule
- Disposition document
- Divisional repository
- Docket cover
- Document folder
- Document portfolio
- Document schedule
- Document tray
- Documentary form
- Documentary material
- Documentary seal
- Dog-ear corner
- Drafting of document
- Drawing up of document
- Dry artificial heat
- Dry dyeing
- Drying
- Drying equipment
- Drying rack
- Dryness
- Dull paper-knife
- Duplex numeric system
- Duplicating ink
- Duplicating of records
- Durability test
- Dust particles
- Dye
- Facsimile copy
- Fake document
- Falsification
- Family records
- Feathering of ink
- Fibre board
- Fibrous plaster
- Filasse
- File category
- File document
- File folder
- File register
- Filing of doucment
- Film pack
- Film-drying frame
- Filter cell
- Fine roils
- Finger print photograpahy
- Finger tip feeling
- Finishing stove
- Fixing
- Fixing block
- Fixing formula
- Flapping
- Flattened document
- Flattening of document
- Flax
- Flexible glue
- Fly stains
- Flying termite
- Focus finder
- Fogged material
- Fold line
- Folded document
- Folder endurance tester
- Folding of document
- Foliation of document
- Fonds
- Foreign repository
- Forged document
- Forging of document
- Format of document
- Four digit system
- Foxing
- Fragile document
- Fragmentary document
- Fraying
- French paring knife
- Fresh air
- Fugitive ink
- Full pasting
- Fumigation
- Fungicide