सभी पृष्ठ
नेविगेशन पर जाएँ
खोज पर जाएँ
- Kolene process
- Kollag
- Kollagram
- Kollagraphy
- Komppa's synthesis
- Konarite
- Kondratieff cycle
- Konospecies
- Konowaloff's rule
- Kontrastine
- Kopges
- Kopje (Koppie)
- Kopophagous
- Kopp' law
- Kopp's formula
- Kopper (tube type saturator)
- Koppers oven
- Kordyana
- Korner's absolute method
- Koroseal
- Kosher method
- Kosmobile
- Kosmos
- Kossel-Lewis theory
- Kossel-Sommerfeld displacement law
- Kossel theory
- Kosta test
- Kostanecki reaction
- Kotka phosphate
- Kottstorfer value
- Kourigha rock
- Kozeny-Carmen equation
- Kraft paper
- Kramers method
- Kratky's experiment
- Krause mill
- Kreb's Stormer viscometer
- Kreb cycle
- Krebs Henseleit cycle theorem
- Kremnitz process
- Krohneke reaction
- Kroll process
- Kronstein number
- Krotovinas
- Krumbhaar resin
- Krupp's process
- Kryptoblast
- Kryptocotyledon
- Kryptol
- Krypton
- Ktze (Kuntze)
- Kubelka-Munk equation
- Kuckersite
- Kuhlman absorption tower
- Kuhn's calculation
- Kuhn-Roth determination
- Kula
- Kulturgeschicht-liche method
- Kundt and Warburg correction
- Kunheim metal
- Kunkellia nitens
- Kupfferite
- Kurrol's salt
- Kurt Mayer titration
- Kurthia variabilis
- Kuznets cycle
- Kyanize
- Kyanophilous
- Kyllinga
- Kymene resin
- Kymograph
- Kynurenic acid
- Kynureninase
- Kyrides stirrer
- L-sine
- L.S.D. (Lysergic acid diethylamide)
- L.c. (loco citato)
- LD process (Line Donawitz process)
- LET value (liner energy transfer)
- LMC (Lloyds' Machinery Certificate)
- L (Linnaeus)
- La Tene Epoch
- La a net
- Labdanum oil
- Labedev butadiene synthesis
- Labelled compound
- Labelled document
- Labelled molecule
- Labelling of document
- Labiatae
- Labile bond
- Labile isomerism
- Lability
- Labilization
- Labiose
- Laboratory Attendant
- Laboratory Bearer
- Laboratory Boy
- Laboratory course
- Laboratory ecology
- Laboratory learning
- Laboratory school
- Laboratory specimen
- Laboratory training
- Laboratory ware
- Laboulbeniales
- Labour Bureau
- Labour Commissioner
- Labour Intelligence Officer
- Labour Officer
- Labour Supervisor
- Labour Welfare Officer
- Labour and Employment Adviser
- Labour bank
- Labour camp
- Labour college
- Labour copartnership
- Labour expropriation
- Labour force
- Labour machinery
- Labour management bargaining
- Labour monopoly
- Labour output ratio
- Labour pay sheet
- Labour pool
- Labour priority
- Labour relations
- Labour rent
- Labour reserve
- Labour saving measures
- Labour time standard
- Labour turnover
- Labour welfare fund
- Labourious
- Labret
- Labrum
- Labyrinthula macrocystis
- Labyrinthulales
- Lac Development Officer
- Lac cultivation
- Lac dye
- Lace
- Laches
- Lachrymatory (lacrimatory)
- Laciniform
- Lacistemateceae
- Lack of consideration
- Lack of incentive
- Lackmoid
- Lacquer
- Lacquer base
- Lacquer diluent
- Lacquering
- Lactam
- Lactam-lactim interchange
- Lactamization
- Lactarium
- Lactate
- Lactern
- Lactic acid
- Lactic acid bacteria
- Lactic acid dehydrogenase
- Lactide
- Lactim
- Lacto phosphate
- Lactobacillic acid
- Lactobacillus brevis
- Lactobacillus casei
- Lactobiose
- Lactobutyrometer
- Lactogenic factor
- Lactol
- Lactone
- Lactonization
- Lactoprene
- Lactoridaceae
- Lactosazone
- Lactuca sativa
- Lacunaria
- Lacustrae
- Lacustrine
- Ladder polymer
- Ladder tournament
- Ladle
- Lady Attendant
- Lady Chapel
- Lady Principal
- Lady Ticket Collector
- Lady Welfare Superintendent
- Laeonicum
- Laetiporus sulphureus
- Laevigatus
- Laevis
- Laevorotatory stereoisomer
- Laevulic acid
- Laevulinic acid
- Lag and lead
- Lagenaria
- Lagenaria vulgaris
- Lagenidiaceae
- Lagenidiales
- Lagenidium rabenhorstii
- Lagenostomalian seed
- Lagenostome
- Lagenostroma lomaxii
- Lagerstroemia hypoleuca
- Lagerstroemia indica
- Lagerstroemia lanceolata
- Lagerstroemia parviflora
- Lagerstroemia speciosa
- Lagerstroemia theorelii
- Laggard
- Lagging
- Lagging indicator
- Lagoon
- Lagooning
- Lagorosiphon roxburghi
- Lagosin
- Laid down in
- Laid line
- Laid on the table
- Laissez faire
- Laitance
- Lake asphalt
- Lake biocies
- Lake clay
- Lake strands
- Lalande cell
- Lallation
- Lalongate
- Lam. (Lamarck)
- Lam (Lamarch)
- Lamb simkin procedure
- Lame duck
- Lame excuse
- Lame formula
- Lame function
- Lamellar
- Lamellar compound
- Lamellar mineral
- Lamellate placentation
- Lamellation
- Lamelloid
- Lamepon
- Lamiales
- Laminable
- Laminar
- Laminar graphite
- Laminaria saccharina
- Laminarin
- Laminariose
- Laminate molding
- Laminated iron
- Laminated planking
- Laminated rock
- Laminum album
- Lamp burning test
- Lamp guard
- Lamp working
- Lampadite
- Lampadomancy
- Lampbrush chromosome
- Lampman
- Lamprocystidium
- Lamprocystis lanceolatus
- Lanarkite
- Lanasterol
- Lanate
- Lanatoside
- Lanatus
- Lancasterian method
- Lance
- Lance Dafadar
- Lance Naik
- Lanceolate cell
- Lancer
- Lancer arch
- Lancet
- Lancet plat
- Lancet plate
- Lancet shape
- Lancifolius
- Lancinate
- Land-fauna
- Land Acquisition Officer
- Land Adviser
- Land Compensation Officer
- Land Control Inspector
- Land Control Officer
- Land Leasing Inspector
- Land Reforms Officer
- Land Survey Officer
- Land Utilization Survey Officer
- Land Valuation Officer
- Land alienation
- Land and Development Office
- Land and buildings account
- Land cess
- Land customs
- Land development bank
- Land frontier trade
- Land grant college
- Land grant rate
- Land holding
- Land laws
- Land line working
- Land mortgage
- Land mortgage bank
- Land rate
- Land records
- Land station
- Land taxation system
- Land tenure system
- Lande's permanence rule
- Landed mold
- Landed weight
- Landerstratification
- Landing Supervisor
- Landing net
- Landless labourer (landless labour)
- Landolt's reaction
- Landsberger method
- Landslide
- Lane
- Lane process
- Lang's process
- Lang's vesicle
- Langdale rock
- Langevin's formula
- Langevin-Debye theory of paramagnetism
- Langevin equation
- Langevin function
- Langley
- Langlier index
- Langlier saturation index
- Langmuir's equation
- Langmuir's theory
- Langmuir's three halves power law
- Langmuir-Hinshel-wood mechanism
- Langmuir adsorpti-on isotherm
- Langmuir blowpipe
- Langrange transformation
- Language Adviser
- Language Division
- Language Expert