सभी पृष्ठ
नेविगेशन पर जाएँ
खोज पर जाएँ
- Parametral ratio
- Paramilitary forces
- Paramoecium aurelia
- Paramoecium bursaria
- Paramoecium caudatum
- Paramolybdate
- Paramount
- Paramour
- Paramphigastrium
- Paramylon
- Paramylum
- Paramylum body
- Parang
- Parano
- Parapet
- Parapetalous
- Parapetalum
- Paraphyllia
- Paraphysis
- Paraphysogonium
- Paraphysoides
- Parapithecus
- Paraplectenchyma
- Paraprint process
- Paraprosenchyma
- Paraquat
- Pararosanilin
- Parasite virulence
- Parasitic factor
- Parasitic oscillations (parasitics)
- Parasitic specialization
- Parasiticidal activity
- Parasitologist
- Parasitotropic
- Parasol mushroom
- Parasporangium
- Parastamen
- Parastichy
- Parathecium
- Parathormone
- Paratonic movement
- Paratracheal parenchyma
- Paratroph
- Paratrophic
- Paratropic plane
- Parazanthine
- Parcel and Luggage Supervisor
- Parcel gilt
- Parcel list
- Parcel seal
- Parcelling
- Parchment membrane
- Parclose
- Parembryum
- Parenchyma disease
- Parent
- Parent-teacher association
- Parent atom
- Parent boulder
- Parent company
- Parent consent form
- Parent element
- Parent exchange
- Parent frequency
- Parent government
- Parent material
- Parent office
- Parent particle
- Parent rock
- Parent series
- Parent store
- Parental generation
- Parenteral feeding
- Parents
- Pareto's law
- Parfleche
- Pargetting
- Parichnos strand
- Parichnos tissue
- Parietal lobe
- Parietal placentation
- Parietal region
- Parietal segment
- Parietales
- Parietaria
- Parinaric acid
- Paripinnate
- Paris blue
- Paris green
- Pariser-Parr approximation
- Pariser-Parr method
- Parish-priest
- Parisite
- Parison (blank)
- Parison mould
- Parity of exchange
- Parity price
- Park
- Parka
- Parker's alloy
- Parker actinometer
- Parkerised steel
- Parkerizing process
- Parkes disilverisation process
- Parkinsonia
- Parkinsonia aculeata
- Parkinsonia parkinsoni
- Parks dryograph
- Parliamentary Assistant
- Parliamentary Secretary
- Parliamentary affairs
- Parliamentary committee
- Parliamentary democracy
- Parlin-Du Pont impact tester
- Parmelia caperata
- Parochial school
- Paroicous
- Paromomycin sulphate
- Parquest (parquet flooring)
- Parr bomb
- Parr metal
- Parr method
- Parricide
- Parsimony
- Parson
- Parson alloy
- Parson black
- Part-paid stock
- Part-payment
- Part-time agent
- Part-time class
- Part-time employment
- Part-time school record
- Part clearing
- Part culture
- Part delivery
- Part file
- Part method
- Part society
- Part time employment
- Parthenogenetic
- Parthenospore
- Partial (particular) equilibrium analysis
- Partial absorbtion
- Partial acceptance
- Partial association
- Partial audit
- Partial condenser
- Partial deposit method
- Partial discharge
- Partial drought
- Partial earth
- Partial endorsement
- Partial enrichment
- Partial enthalphy
- Partial equilibrium
- Partial exhaustion
- Partial heat capacity
- Partial intermingling
- Partial ionic equation
- Partial loss
- Partial modification
- Partial modification in the case
- Partial molar quantity
- Partial payment
- Partial racemates
- Partial reaction
- Partial specific volume
- Partial sterilization
- Partial strike
- Partial valency
- Partiality
- Partially exempt
- Partible
- Participate
- Participatine
- Participating preference share
- Participation bond (profit-sharing bond)
- Participation loan
- Particle-size broadening
- Particle disintegration
- Particle effect
- Particle shape
- Particle size
- Particle size analysis
- Particualr right
- Particular (partial) equilibrium analysis
- Particular bank lien
- Particular instance paper
- Particular lien
- Particular person (P.P.) cell
- Particularistic rule
- Particulars
- Particulate inheritance
- Particulate preparation
- Particulate separation
- Partim
- Parting
- Parting agent
- Parting compound
- Parting limit
- Parting of gold
- Parting plane
- Partington's apparatus
- Partinium
- Partite
- Partition chromotography
- Partitioned representation
- Partner's advance
- Partner experiment
- Partnership account
- Partnership firm
- Partridge's eye design
- Partspore
- Party line connection
- Parum affinis (little affinity)
- Parviflorus
- Parvis (parvise)
- Parvo-cariceta
- Pasin digester
- Pass book
- Pass course
- Pass pore
- Passage
- Passage advance
- Passage cell
- Passage concession
- Passage dolmen
- Passage money
- Passage rebate
- Passed for payment
- Passed for press
- Passenger Attendant
- Passenger Guide
- Passenger mantest
- Passiflora edulis
- Passiflora foetida
- Passiflora incarnata
- Passiflora laurifolia
- Passiflora type
- Passifloraceae
- Passiflorales
- Passivated
- Passivation
- Passivator
- Passive
- Passive absorption
- Passive bond
- Passive deposit (primary deposit)
- Passive dissemination
- Passive immunity
- Passive iron
- Passive recreation
- Passive rentier
- Passive saver
- Passivity
- Passport
- Passport-Visa Attache
- Passport size
- Past service
- Paste-down end paper
- Paste bead
- Paste board
- Paste poreclain
- Pasteur effect
- Pasteurella tularensis
- Pasteurizer
- Pastoral economy
- Pastoral stage
- Pastoralist
- Patch
- Patch-of grass
- Patch graft
- Patch planting
- Patch removal
- Patch sowing
- Patch work
- Patchoulene
- Patehogencity
- Paten
- Patens
- Patent Commission
- Patent and design
- Patent office
- Patenting
- Patentor
- Patent’s Officer
- Pater
- Patera
- Pateraite
- Patercrite
- Paternal chromosomes
- Paternity leave
- Path coefficient method
- Path difference
- Pathogenic agent
- Pathogenic bacteria
- Pathogeny
- Pathological anatomy
- Pathological histology
- Pathological lying
- Pathologist
- Pathology Department
- Patinated
- Patio
- Patio process
- Patri deme
- Patriarchal society
- Patrolling
- Patrolman
- Patron (patronat)
- Patronage
- Patten and Reader's indicator
- Pattern
- Pattern Keeper
- Pattern analysis
- Pattern maker
- Pattern metal
- Pattern of demand
- Pattern packet (sample packet)
- Patterned joking
- Patterson-Harker method
- Patterson-Harker synthesis
- Patterson synthesis
- Pattinson process
- Pattinson white lead
- Patu
- Patulin
- Paucidisperse system
- Paucity
- Paucity of finance
- Pauling's adjacent charge rule
- Pauling concentrator
- Pauling scale
- Pauper school
- Paved floor
- Pavement tissue
- Pavetta indica
- Pavy's method
- Pay-in slip
- Pay-scale
- Pay Bill Assistant
- Pay Master
- Pay and Accounts Officer
- Pay cash