श्रेणी:सांस्कृतिक मानवशास्त्र-C
"सांस्कृतिक मानवशास्त्र-C" श्रेणी में पृष्ठ
इस श्रेणी की कुल २५५ में से २०० पृष्ठ निम्नलिखित हैं।
(पिछला पृष्ठ) (अगला पृष्ठ)C
- Cache
- Cacique
- Cage trap
- Cahokia mound
- Calabash
- Calabrian phase
- Calcined bone (charred bone)
- Caltrop
- Camp circle
- Camp dweller
- Canadian canoe
- Canning
- Canonic unit
- Carabao
- Carbonaceous ingredient
- Carinated bowl
- Carnivorous
- Carrying beam
- Carrying device
- Carrying strap
- Cast-net
- Catalinite
- Catamaran
- Catoptromancy
- Cauterization
- Cavate lodges
- Cave animal
- Cave dweller
- Cave fauna
- Cave life
- Cave travertine
- Cavity ceiling
- Celestial soul
- Ceramic examiner
- Ceramic spectrum
- Cereal
- Ceremonial chamber
- Ceromancy
- Chalcolithic habitation
- Chalicothere
- Champlainic epoch
- Chance omen
- Channel spout
- Channelled
- Chaomancy
- Chariot
- Charm stone
- Check basketry
- Checker work (chequer work)
- Chellean
- Chenchu tribe
- Cherokee
- Chert blade
- Chignon
- Chilesford bed
- Chipped stone
- Chipped stone work
- Chronological hiatus
- Cicatrization
- Cicisbeism
- Cinder cone
- Circumambages
- City
- City settlement area
- Civilized technolgoy
- Clactonian graver
- Clam
- Clan-barrios
- Claper bridge
- Classical tradiation
- Clay banding
- Clay slip
- Clayey loam
- Clean shudra
- Cleaved face
- Clepsydra
- Cleromancy
- Cliff
- Climatic aggradation
- Climatology
- Clinker boat
- Cloddy
- Close knit participation
- Closed mould
- Co-tradition
- Co-wife
- Coarse copper
- Coastal dune
- Coastal swamp
- Coblentizian epoch
- Cochise culture
- Cock boat
- Coemptio
- Cogul rock painting
- Coiffure
- Coiled basket
- Cold phase
- Collared rim
- Collective hunts
- Collective savagery
- Collimation lens
- Combustion
- Commensal
- Common ancestor
- Common descent
- Common form
- Common law marriage
- Common ownership
- Common residence
- Communal feast
- Communal house
- Communal property
- Communistic ownership
- Commuting area
- Compact
- Compact settlement
- Compact village
- Complex trait
- Complicated ritual
- Composite bow
- Composite hypothesis
- Composite tool
- Compound bow
- Compressive stress
- Concentrated settlement
- Conch
- Conchoidal
- Concolourous
- Concretionary clay
- Conditional curse
- Conditional self-curse
- Cone-shaped
- Conflux
- Conical
- Conical lid
- Conjectural history
- Conjuration
- Connate
- Connubial
- Conservator
- Constricted celt
- Contact pollution
- Contemporary primitives
- Contract marriage
- Contractual work
- Controlled flaking
- Conventional art
- Conventional design
- Convolute
- Cool oscillation period
- Copper chisel
- Copper hoards
- Copper panel
- Copper seal
- Copper worker
- Coracora
- Cord drill
- Cord-marked pottery
- Cordage
- Cordoned rim
- Core casting
- Core tool
- Corita
- Corn spirit
- Cornbin
- Cornu
- Corporate kin
- Corporeal property
- Corral
- Corresponding law
- Corroboree
- Corrugation
- Cosmic Egg
- Cosmogonic tale
- Cosmogony myth
- Coulter (colter)
- Council of henchmen
- Counter killing
- Counter sorcery
- Countervailing influence
- Countervailing principle
- Coup de poing
- Covert murder
- Cranial amulet
- Creramic object
- Crescent
- Crescentic point
- Creswell crag
- Cretaceous flint
- Criminal sorcery
- Criterion of affinity
- Crithomancy
- Cromer bed industry
- Cross bow
- Cross cousin marriage
- Cross cultural index
- Cross relatives
- Crossroad town
- Crotched stick (digging stick)
- Crow Indian