श्रेणी:सांस्कृतिक मानवशास्त्र-A
"सांस्कृतिक मानवशास्त्र-A" श्रेणी में पृष्ठ
इस श्रेणी की कुल १९३ में से १९३ पृष्ठ निम्नलिखित हैं।
- Abalone shell
- Abbatre
- Abia
- Abong
- Aboriginal culture
- Abrasive material
- Abraxas
- Absolute dating
- Abstinence syndrome
- Accidental deformation
- Acculturated tribe
- Acculturation situation
- Acetta
- Acocotl
- Acoma water jar
- Aconite
- Acorn grinder
- Acquired adaptation
- Acquired character
- Acroama
- Acrolith
- Action anthropology
- Action pattern
- Active absorption
- Actual frequency
- Adapative culture
- Adaro
- Adlet
- Admixture
- Adorno
- Adret
- Aeolian soil
- Aeotana
- Aeromancy
- Aerophone
- Aesthetic model
- Aetheria (etheria)
- Affection term
- Afforestation programme
- African accordian
- Afrit
- Afroid
- Agalma
- Agamous
- Agate ware
- Age area
- Age of mammals
- Agglomerated settlement
- Aggradation
- Agnate
- Agnification
- Agpo
- Agrarian change
- Agriculture rites
- Agrionia
- Agrofacts
- Agwel
- Ahensburg culture
- Aigrette
- Air god
- Akkadian people
- Alabaster vase
- Alafin
- Alandier
- Albian epoch
- Alectoromancy (alectryomancy)
- Aleuromancy
- Alfa
- Alien culture
- Alienability
- Alligator design
- Allopatric
- Allusive arm
- Alluvial accretion
- Alluvial increment
- Alphitomancy
- Alternating generation
- Alternative hypothesis
- Amasiado
- Amazonite
- Ambalam
- Amber statuette
- Ambil-anak
- Ambilocal
- Amercement
- American Indian (Amerindian)
- Americanism
- Amitalocal residence (amitate local residence)
- Amorphous
- Amorphous folk culture
- Amphidromia
- Ampora
- Amuletic head-rest
- Amygdaloid
- Analytical problem
- Anarak
- Anatomic clothing
- Ancestor worship
- Ancestral spirit
- Anchorite
- Ancilla
- Ancillary accommodation
- Angakok (angkut)
- Angang
- Angel
- Angmang
- Anhistoric
- Aniconism
- Animal organism
- Animal soul
- Animal worship
- Animalitarianism
- Animistic stage
- Anklet
- Anklong
- Anmiomancy
- Annealing
- Annihilation
- Anointing tablet
- Ansa
- Antarctic barrier
- Antarctic region
- Antediluvian
- Anthromorphous
- Anthropogency (anthropo-gencesis)
- Anthropological postulate
- Anthropomancy
- Anthropomorphic theory
- Anthroporacial school
- Anti-acculturation attitude
- Anti-incest postulate
- Antimony
- Antiquarianism
- Antler hook
- Antler tool
- Anzanite
- Aornarssuk
- Apache
- Apantomancy
- Aphelion
- Apotropaic remedy
- Apparitional soul
- Applied anthropology
- Applique figure
- Approximate method
- Aqua-culture
- Aquatic creature
- Aranda (Arunta)
- Aranda churinga
- Arboreal
- Arcato
- Archaean Era
- Archaic ware
- Archanthropic
- Archimorphic race
- Arctic region
- Area of characterization
- Area of isolation
- Aren
- Arenaceous rock
- Ariolist
- Arrow slit
- Arroyo
- Art form
- Artifical disintegration
- Arunta (aranda)
- Ascending generation
- Ascetic
- Ash cone
- Assimilated tribals
- Association of cultures
- Associes
- Assumed character
- Assyrian art
- Astatic
- Astromancy
- Asymmetrical class
- Aten
- Atomistic point of view
- Audi point
- Auger
- Auriferous deposit
- Autochthon
- Autocratic role
- Autonomous settlement
- Autopsy
- Autumnal worship
- Aversive magic
- Avri (shallow cave)
- Awl
- Axe cultivation
- Axle
- Azoic