श्रेणी:सांस्कृतिक मानवशास्त्र-S
"सांस्कृतिक मानवशास्त्र-S" श्रेणी में पृष्ठ
इस श्रेणी की कुल २११ में से २०० पृष्ठ निम्नलिखित हैं।
(पिछला पृष्ठ) (अगला पृष्ठ)S
- Sacerdotal body
- Sacrament
- Sacred doll
- Sacred object
- Sacred vessel
- Sacrificial stone
- Safari
- Sailing craft
- Saline soil
- Sambaqui
- Sand bar
- Sand clock
- Sand gravel soil
- Sandy soil
- Sarnai
- Saw knife
- Saying
- Scalloped pattern
- Scapulmancy
- Scar tattoo
- Scattered settlement (dispersed settlement)
- Scheduled area
- Scientific jargon
- Scientific planning
- Scraping beam
- Scree
- Screening
- Screwdriver graver
- Scriber
- Seal
- Seamanship
- Seat of soul
- Sebilian
- Secondary civilization
- Secondary evidence
- Secondary rock
- Sectarian movement
- Secular conflict
- Secular head
- Secure custody
- Sedimentary rock
- Seed beater
- Seed raiser
- Seer
- Segmental conflict
- Segmented cist
- Self-immolation
- Self-introspection
- Selvage
- Semi-divine figures (demi gods figures)
- Semi-lunar knife
- Semi-mythical legend
- Semi-nomadic movement
- Semi-permanent settlement
- Semi-subterranean hut
- Semi-tribal
- Senilicide
- Senility
- Sensitive soul
- Sentence of death
- Sentience
- Sept
- Sepulchral chamber
- Serf
- Serf peasant
- Sericulture
- Serrated
- Sessile population
- Settled community
- Sewn bark canoe
- Sex murder
- Sexual communism
- Shaded soul
- Shamanism
- Shell bangle
- Shell bead
- Shifting cultivation
- Shouldered hoe
- Sibonga
- Sickle shaped knife
- Siliceous rock
- Sin eater
- Sin offering
- Single barbed harpoon
- Single facetted graver
- Situational context
- Skate
- Skew chisel
- Ski
- Skin canoe
- Slab-layer
- Slash and burn (shifting cultivation)
- Slave wife
- Slip casting
- Sloping
- Smoothing
- Snare hunting
- Soak pit
- Social accounting
- Social aggregate
- Social anabolism
- Social articulation
- Social cataclysm
- Social competence
- Social continuity
- Social feeling
- Social gathering
- Social gradation
- Social identification
- Social inhibition
- Social instrument
- Social level
- Social loyalties
- Social misfit
- Social rate
- Social reality
- Social revolution
- Social transmission
- Socialised
- Socio-cultural dynamics
- Socio-cultural stress
- Socio-politico-spiri-tual culture
- Socious
- Socketed chopper
- Soft pottery
- Soical progress
- Soil sample
- Solar constant
- Solidfication
- Solutrean epoch
- Son-in-law
- Sophisticate facet
- Sortilege (soration)
- Sorting criterion
- Soul kidnapping
- Space filling motif
- Spade shaped celt
- Spectral beings
- Spider net design
- Spinning wheel
- Spiral design
- Spiral proboscis design
- Spiritual beings
- Spiritual head
- Spiritual soul
- Spiritual upliftment
- Spiritual vision
- Spiritualis
- Spitton
- Splintered
- Spondylus shell
- Sponstaneous acculturation
- Spouted vase
- Spray painting
- Sprinkled settlement
- Spurious concept
- Squid
- Staining decoration
- Staple food
- Star shaped settlement pattern
- Statistical methodology
- Steatite vase
- Steppe condition
- Stereotype art
- Stern post canoe
- Stipulate
- Stirrup-shaped handle
- Stone arrow straightener
- Stone bowl
- Stone carver
- Stone chipping
- Stone lamp
- Strangulated blade
- Stratosphere
- String figure
- String trick
- Stringed instrument
- Structural element
- Structural modifiction
- Structured order
- Stylistic forms (in art)
- Sub tropical
- Sub-area culture
- Sub-culture
- Sub-group culture
- Sub-phase
- Subcultural
- Subfamily
- Subjection
- Submersion
- Subsidiary marriage
- Substantive nature
- Succubus
- Sun-spot
- Supernatural entities
- Supernatural method
- Supernormal
- Supposed right
- Surface
- Surface erosion