श्रेणी:सांस्कृतिक मानवशास्त्र-T
"सांस्कृतिक मानवशास्त्र-T" श्रेणी में पृष्ठ
इस श्रेणी की कुल १०९ में से १०९ पृष्ठ निम्नलिखित हैं।
- Table of stone (dolmen)
- Tabular arrangement
- Tali-tying ceremony
- Tamberan
- Tampanian (culture)
- Tanged
- Tangible chattels
- Tapa
- Tarappam
- Tasmanian boat
- Tatooer
- Tattoo
- Technical jargon
- Technical order
- Technical pattern
- Teleological explantation
- Tempering (of clay)
- Temporary residence
- Term of address
- Term of endearment
- Terminal moraine
- Terrestial fauna
- Territorial contiguity
- Territorial form
- Tertiary
- Tertiary era
- Textual variation
- Texture
- Texture of rock
- Themancy
- Theogonic myth
- Theological anthropology
- Theological system
- Theomachist
- Theomorphism
- Theophobia
- Theoretical anthropology
- Theory of population structure
- Therianthropic
- Theriomancy
- They feeling
- Thimble
- Thong
- Threshing ground (threshing floor)
- Throwing board
- Tile shaped brick
- Timber-felling
- Tinder
- Tinker
- Tipi
- Titular head
- Toboggan
- Toda
- Toe-ring
- Tom-tom
- Tomato seed and peel design
- Tongs
- Tool making
- Tool using
- Top flight warriors
- Topographical study
- Torsion fibre
- Tortious action
- Tortoise-shell
- Total society
- Totem animal
- Totemic worship
- Totemities
- Towage
- Track
- Tracks and trails
- Traditional council
- Traditional occupation
- Trans-culturation
- Transcendental
- Transformation combat
- Transient trader
- Transition element
- Transmission of culture
- Transmission of property
- Transmittance
- Transplantation
- Trapper
- Trawl net
- Tree house
- Tremadocian Epoch
- Trial by combat
- Triassic period
- Tribal consciousness
- Tribal fraternity
- Tribal vendetta
- Tribalization
- Troglodyte
- Troglodytism
- Troposphere
- Truncated
- Truncated cone
- Trunnion celt
- Tubular drill
- Tui
- Tukul dwelling
- Tumok
- Tupik
- Turtle ceremony
- Twilled weaving
- Twining
- Two pronged harpoon
- Type specimen
- Typological series