"स्थापत्य-T" श्रेणी में पृष्ठ
इस श्रेणी की कुल ९१ में से ९१ पृष्ठ निम्नलिखित हैं।
- Tabulatum
- Taenia
- Tailloir
- Tap screw
- Taper
- Taper of the turrent
- Tapering gutter
- Tartar dome
- Tau cross (St. Anthony's cross)
- Teak (wood)
- Tectonics
- Tegurium
- Temenos
- Templa
- Tenon
- Tensile strength
- Terreplein
- Tessellated
- Test audit
- Tetrastyle
- Thalamium (thalamus)
- Thatch
- Theatrum
- Thermae
- Thole
- Three centered arch
- Three-light window
- Threshold slab
- Throating
- Thumb tack
- Thymele
- Tie beam
- Tierce point
- Tile-work
- Tilting fillet
- Timber connector
- Timber-laced
- Tin glaze
- Tinted wood
- To-fall (too fall)
- Toggle joint
- Tomb
- Tondino
- Tongued and grooved joint
- Tonned upright
- Top rail
- Top-frieze
- Tope
- Torching
- Torii
- Torsade
- Torus
- Toughened glass
- Tower
- Trabeate
- Trachelium
- Transenna
- Transom (transome)
- Transverse compartment
- Transverse hall
- Trapeze
- Traverse
- Tread
- Treated timber
- Tree-growth ring
- Trefoil
- Trellis
- Tresaunce
- Triapsidal
- Triforium
- Triglyph
- Triple curve
- Triple floor
- Triple opening
- Triple roof
- Triquetra
- Triumphal arch
- Trochilus (scotia)
- Trowel
- True arch
- True four centred arch
- Trumeau
- Truncated butt
- Tubular rivet
- Tudor arch
- Tudor rose
- Turette
- Turn buckle
- Tuscan order
- Twisted column
- Tympanum