"स्थापत्य-L" श्रेणी में पृष्ठ
इस श्रेणी की कुल ५१ में से ५१ पृष्ठ निम्नलिखित हैं।
- Labrum
- Lactarium
- Lactern
- Lady Chapel
- Laeonicum
- Laminated planking
- Lancer arch
- Lane
- Lark
- Lath
- Latin Cross
- Lattice work
- Latticed
- Lay panel (laying panel)
- Lay-light
- Layer cake
- Lead roll
- Leaded light
- Leaf pattern
- Lean to roof
- Lectorium
- Ledged and braced door
- Left handed door
- Lenticular section
- Lequear
- Leschi
- Lesene
- Letter
- Lich gate
- Lierne
- Linenfold panelling
- Lintel slab
- Lisena
- Listel moulding
- Liwan
- Lobe
- Lock rail
- Locus columbae
- Locutorium
- Loess
- Long and short work
- Loop design
- Loop hole
- Loose soil
- Lorraine Cross
- Low lane
- Low pointed roof
- Lower register
- Lozenge pattern
- Lunette
- Lying panel (lay panel)