श्रेणी:तकनीकी शब्दावली
इस श्रेणी की कुल १३ में से १३ उपश्रेणियाँ निम्नलिखित हैं।
"तकनीकी शब्दावली" श्रेणी में पृष्ठ
इस श्रेणी की कुल ४७,९९४ में से २०० पृष्ठ निम्नलिखित हैं।
(पिछला पृष्ठ) (अगला पृष्ठ)B
- Bottom up
- Bottoming
- Bottomry
- Bottoms
- Botuliform
- Boudon spring
- Boudourd equilibrium
- Boudourd reaction
- Bougainvillea
- Bougainvillea buttaina
- Bougainvillea glabra
- Bougainvillea ramosa
- Bougainvillea spectabilis
- Bough shelter
- Bought book
- Bouillon
- Bouin flaxative
- Bouin's formaldehyde
- Boulder clay
- Boulton process
- Boulvard
- Bounce light
- Bound charge
- Bound moisture
- Bound sulphur
- Bound water
- Boundary layer flow
- Boundary lubrication
- Boundary mark
- Boundary shear stress
- Bourdon gauge
- Bouring alley aisle
- Bourse
- Bousingaultia baselloides
- Bouveault Blanc reduction
- Bouvelault-Loc-quin oximino-ester cleavage
- Bouyoucos hydrometer
- Bovidae
- Bovine insulin
- Bovista plumbea
- Bow drill
- Bow tongs
- Bow window
- Bowen ratio
- Bower Barff process
- Bowl
- Bowline
- Bowling alley aisle
- Bowman
- Bowsaw
- Bowsprit (bond)
- Bowtell
- Box
- Box annealing
- Box balance
- Box grave (cist grave)
- Box press
- Box room
- Box top offer
- Boxing
- Boxing instructor
- Boxing Instructor
- Boxwood spiral nematode
- Boy
- Boy scout
- Boyloston's reagent
- Boysenberry
- Boziga
- Brabander tarinograph
- Brace
- Brace Fitter
- Bracelet
- Bracer
- Brachial birth palsy
- Brachiate
- Brachy type (life cycle)
- Brachybiostemoni-ous
- Brachybiostigmatic
- Brachyblast
- Brachycladous
- Brachydodromous venation
- Brachyform rust
- Brachymeiosis
- Brachyoxylon
- Brachyphyllous
- Brachyphyllum
- Brachypodial
- Brachypodus
- Brachyscereied
- Brachysporous
- Bracket
- Bracket capital
- Bracket fungi
- Bracket ornament
- Bracket tube
- Bracketing
- Brackish water deposit
- Bract scale
- Bracteate
- Bracteatus
- Bracteiferous
- Bracteoid
- Bracteole
- Bracteomania
- Bractlet
- Bradley and Raymound mill
- Bradycarpic
- Bradykinin
- Bradyspore
- Bragantia tomentosa
- Bragantia wallichii
- Bragg angle
- Bragg plane
- Braid
- Braided cable
- Braiding (in basketry)
- Braille
- Brain storming procedure
- Brake fluid
- Brakeman
- Brale
- Bramley machine
- Bramley mill
- Bran fermentation vatting
- Branch account
- Branch banking
- Branch chain decay
- Branch change
- Branch depot
- Branch joint
- Branch ledger
- Branch name
- Branch office
- Branch office cheque
- Branch office daily account
- Branch points
- Branch post-office
- Branch Recruitment Office
- Branch remittance account
- Branch store
- Branch supplies book
- Branch traces
- Branch wood
- Branch-rhizoid
- Branched chain
- Branched chain compound
- Branched disintegration
- Branching in polymer
- Branching jack
- Branching paths
- Branching pipe
- Branchlet
- Brand
- Brand cankers
- Brand development index
- Brand form market
- Brand image
- Brand loyalty
- Brand preference
- Brand recognition
- Brand spore
- Brand tillage
- Branded article
- Branding iron
- Brasilin (brazilin)
- Brasqued
- Brass age
- Brass clamp
- Brass coupling
- Brass seal
- Brass stud
- Brass-glass emulsion sandwich
- Brassaia actinophylla
- Brassica
- Brassica campestris
- Brassica juncea
- Brassica nigra
- Brassica oleracea
- Brassicasterol
- Brassidic acid
- Brassylic acid
- Brattice
- Brattice machine
- Bratticing
- Brauer reaction
- Brazen law of wages
- Brazier's copper
- Brazil nut
- Brazil wax
- Brazilian palm
- Brazing
- Brazing alloy
- Breach of agreement
- Breach of confidence
- Breach of contract
- Breach of promise
- Breach of warranty
- Bread and butter aim
- Bread bergile
- Bread earner (bread winner)