श्रेणी:तकनीकी शब्दावली
इस श्रेणी की कुल १३ में से १३ उपश्रेणियाँ निम्नलिखित हैं।
"तकनीकी शब्दावली" श्रेणी में पृष्ठ
इस श्रेणी की कुल ४७,९९४ में से २०० पृष्ठ निम्नलिखित हैं।
(पिछला पृष्ठ) (अगला पृष्ठ)B
- Bromometry
- Bromomite
- Bromonium ion
- Bromophenol blue
- Bromophenol red
- Bromoporene
- Bromothymol blue
- Bromuque
- Bromus
- Bronnner acid
- Bronsted acid
- Bronsted base
- Bronsted catalysis law
- Bronsted theory
- Bronsted-Pedersen law
- Bronteum
- Bronteus
- Bronteus flabellifar
- Bronze
- Bronze Age
- Bronze blue
- Bronze lacquer gelling
- Bronze medal
- Bronze powder
- Bronze wire
- Bronziness
- Bronzing
- Bronzing liquid
- Bronzing powder
- Bronzy
- Bronzy wilt
- Brood lac tree
- Brookfield synchro electric viscometer
- Brookfield viscometer
- Broom shot
- Broomeia
- Brooming disease
- Brosset's structure
- Brother
- Brought forward (b/f)
- Brought into
- Brought over
- Broughton mixer
- Broussonetia baempteri
- Broutesis
- Brow band
- Brown acid
- Brown canker
- Brown emulsor
- Brown finish
- Brown forest soil
- Brown fume
- Brown rot
- Brown rot of citrus
- Brown rust
- Brown sauce
- Brown smoke
- Brown spot blight
- Brown-Brewster-S-checter rule
- Brownain diffusion
- Brownine
- Browse
- Broxil
- Brucine
- Brucinolic acid
- Brucinolone
- Brucinonic acid
- Bruguiera conjugata
- Bruguiera parviflora
- Brumalis
- Brunauer emmett teller equation
- Brunner oxindole cyclization
- Brunneus
- Brunofix
- Brunswick black
- Brunswick blue
- Brunswick green
- Brunton furnace
- Brush control
- Brush heap model
- Brush land
- Brush matting
- Brush surface analyzer
- Brushability
- Brushing
- Brushwood
- Brutonizing
- Bryan colour number
- Bryanizing
- Bryocenology
- Bryograptus
- Bryologist
- Bryology
- Bryonopsis laciniosa
- Bryophyllum
- Bryophyte
- Bryophytic embryo
- Bryophytonta
- Bryopsis plumosa
- Bryopteris
- Bryum
- Bubble (blister)
- Bubble boiling
- Bubble cap
- Bubble cap column
- Bubble cap plate column
- Bubble cloud
- Bubble counting method
- Bubble gauge
- Bubble level (bubble tube)
- Bubbling bed model
- Bubbling parameter
- Bucegia
- Bucentaur
- Bucher process
- Bucherer reaction
- Bucherer-Bergs hydantoin
- Bucherer-cyclization lepetit napthol canversion synthesis
- Buchia
- Buching season
- Buchner funnel
- Buchner process
- Buchner salt
- Buchner-Curtius Schlotterbeck reaction
- Buchnera hispida
- Buck
- Buck iron mortar
- Bucker rayon spinning machine
- Bucking season
- Buckingham potential
- Bucklandia
- Buckle
- Buckley gauge
- Buckling impact
- Buckstay
- Bud injury
- Bud mutation (bud sport)
- Bud nematode
- Bud rot
- Bud scale
- Buddhist Cross
- Buddleia asiatica
- Buddleia lindleyana
- Buddleia madegas-cariensis
- Budget and Accounts Section
- Budget period
- Budget provision exists
- Budgetary balance
- Budgetary deficit
- Budgetary surplus
- Budgetary variance
- Budla transaction
- Bueb process
- Buellia disciformis
- Buelliaceae
- Buerger Grutz disease
- Buff coloured
- Buff firing clay
- Buff-wheel
- Buffalo fish
- Buffer band
- Buffer block
- Buffer community
- Buffer mixture
- Buffer regent
- Buffer role
- Buffer salt
- Buffer solution
- Buffer standard
- Buffering agent
- Buffing
- Buffing operation
- Bufotenine
- Buglar
- Bugler
- Building art
- Building clerk
- Building division
- Building Division
- Building equipment
- Building line
- Building pass
- Building sacrifice
- Building society
- Building supervisor
- Buildings and management service
- Built in (means of control)
- Built in assurance
- Built in stabilizer (automatic stabilizer)
- Built up roofing
- Built-up layer
- Builtup mould
- Bukk culture
- Bulb blower
- Bulb edge
- Bulb nematode
- Bulb pod
- Bulbar scar
- Bulbar valve
- Bulbel