श्रेणी:रसायन विज्ञान-R
"रसायन विज्ञान-R" श्रेणी में पृष्ठ
इस श्रेणी की कुल ६५७ में से २०० पृष्ठ निम्नलिखित हैं।
(पिछला पृष्ठ) (अगला पृष्ठ)R
- R-acid
- R.F. value (rate of flow)
- Rabbling (or racking)
- Racah parameter
- Racemate
- Racemic
- Racemic acid
- Racemic form
- Racemisation
- Racemorphan
- Rack
- Rack and pinion
- Rackarock
- Racking pipe
- Radenthein process
- Radial driller
- Radial driller machine
- Radial flow pump
- Radial quantum number
- Radial slit
- Radiation catalysis
- Radiation chemistry
- Radiation condition
- Radiation correction
- Radiation fog
- Radiation hardening
- Radiation inactivation
- Radiation induced cancer
- Radiation night
- Radiation-less decomposition
- Radical dimer
- Radical trapping
- Radical-chain mechanism
- Radical-inhibitor product
- Radicial deduction
- Radio lesion
- Radio pasturization
- Radio welding
- Radiochemical method
- Radiochemical purity
- Radiocolloid
- Radiogoniometer
- Radiological methods of detection
- Radiolysis
- Radiolytic behaviour
- Radiolytic equilibrium
- Radiolytic synthesis
- Radiometal
- Radiomimetic
- Radiopaque
- Radioscopy
- Radiosensitivity
- Radiosynthesis
- Radiotellurium
- Radiotherapeutic technique
- Radium paint
- Radivection
- Raffinate
- Ragging of rolls
- Rail mill
- Rake
- Rakel's metal
- Rala process
- Rales ultimes line (R,U. line)
- Ram
- Ramaway
- Ramified molecule
- Rammability
- Rammelsbergite
- Rammer
- Ramming
- Ramsauer effect
- Ramsay and Young rule
- Ramsay lubricant
- Ramsbottom test
- Ranarex specific gravity indicator
- Random appearance
- Random method
- Randupson process
- Raney metal
- Raney nickel
- Range method
- Range of action
- Rangoon maroon
- Rangoon yellow
- Ranicimeter
- Ransburg electrocoating process
- Rapanea maxim
- Rapanone
- Rapid drying spirit
- Rapid fast dye
- Rapid gravity filter
- Rapid steel (a high speed steel)
- Rapidogen
- Rapping (molding)
- Rare gas (inert gas)
- Rasching process
- Rash point
- Raspail test
- Rast's method
- Rast's micro-method
- Rat hole
- Rat tailing
- Rate action
- Rate cosntant
- Rate determining step
- Rate infulence
- Rate law
- Rate of depletion
- Rate of dyeing
- Rate of oxidation
- Rated power
- Ratio-recording method
- Rational analysis
- Rational name
- Rationalisation
- Ravner theory
- Raybin reaction
- Rayleigh Jeans distribution law
- Raymond mill
- Rayo
- Razek-Mulder analyser
- Razoumoffskin
- Re-irradiated
- Re-reeling machine
- Reabsorption coeficient
- Reactant
- Reacting weight
- Reacting-molecule
- Reaction coordinate
- Reaction cross-section
- Reaction cylinder
- Reaction isobar
- Reaction isochor(e)
- Reaction of first order
- Reaction of third order
- Reaction of zero order
- Reaction time
- Reaction type
- Reactive
- Reactive chamber
- Reactive site
- Readman process
- Reagent bottle
- Reagent dropper
- Reagent generating electrode
- Reagentizer
- Realisation
- Ream
- Reamering
- Rearranged twill
- Rearrangement
- Reboil
- Reboiler coil
- Recarburize
- Receding colour
- Receiving
- Receiving flask
- Receptor destruction
- Rechel's value
- Recidal
- Recininic acid
- Reciprocal salt pair system
- Reciprocal spectrum
- Reciprocating brush
- Recirculation ratio
- Reck
- Recometer
- Recooler
- Recoura's sulphate
- Recovery oven
- Recovery quality
- Rectified spirit
- Rectifying column
- Recuperative
- Recuperative furnace
- Recuperator
- Recurrent lap (surging lap)
- Red brass
- Red Fox
- Red haematite
- Red hardness
- Red oil
- Red prussite of potash
- Red short (iron)
- Red-headed buntin
- Redford's alloy
- Redispersible powder
- Redistillation
- Redona phosphate
- Redonda phosphate
- Redox
- Redox indicator
- Redox potential
- Redox reaction
- Redruthite
- Reduced crude
- Reduced oxide
- Reduced relative degree
- Reduced resin