"संचार-A" श्रेणी में पृष्ठ
इस श्रेणी की कुल ७१ में से ७१ पृष्ठ निम्नलिखित हैं।
- Abbreviated address
- Abstract of moneyordrers issued
- Acceeptance of telegram
- Account bag
- Accountable article
- Acknowledgement of receipt
- Acme cover
- Advice of delivery
- Aerial
- Aerogram
- Air carrier
- Air conveyance charge
- Air fee
- Air parcel
- Air sorting office
- Air surcharge
- Air-mail account
- Air-mail bag
- Air-mail map
- Alarm
- Albino
- Alfrey multiway switch
- All concerned message
- All-up air mail scheme
- All-wave aerial
- Alternate routing
- Alternate transmission
- Alternating current
- Alternator
- Amenity block
- Amperage
- Anchor bolt
- Anchor rod
- Anemograph
- Angle cutting pliers
- Angle stay
- Angle-iron strut
- Annual balance return
- Annual works programme
- Anonymous communication
- Answering jack (subscriber's jack)
- Antenna
- Area map
- Armature winding
- Armoured cable
- Army post office
- Arrester side
- Artificial discharge
- Artificial load
- Assembly of instruments
- Assessment memo
- Assignment deed
- Assistance docket
- Atmospherics
- Attachment terminal
- Attenuator
- Audible alarm
- Audio-frequency
- Audition channel
- Auto relay
- Auto-manual board
- Auto-motor set
- Auto-telephony
- Auto-to-auto relay set
- Auto-transmission
- Automatic operation
- Automatic routiner
- Automatic telephone
- Auxiliary route
- Auxiliary stay
- Average out-turn