"अर्थशास्त्र-C" श्रेणी में पृष्ठ
इस श्रेणी की कुल २१० में से २०० पृष्ठ निम्नलिखित हैं।
(पिछला पृष्ठ) (अगला पृष्ठ)C
- Calender variations
- Call back pay (call in pay)
- Call loan
- Call pay
- Callint tax
- Calorie wage
- Cambridge equation
- Cameralism
- Canons of taxation
- Capacity creating process
- Capacity usage ratio (capacity utilization ratio)
- Capacity utilization rate
- Capital public expenditure
- Capital rent
- Capital-labour rates
- Capitalistic society
- Captive shop
- Card file-ledger
- Cash balance with the public
- Cash break-even point
- Cash forecast
- Cash income
- Cash nexus
- Cash position ratio
- Cash rent
- Cash wage
- Cash-balance equation
- Casual income
- Ceiling price
- Censu organization
- Census return
- Central cooperative bank
- Centralised planning
- Ceteris paribus
- Chain causation
- Characteristics of money
- Chartist
- Chattel mortgage
- Check off
- Checking copy
- Chicago school
- Child mortality
- Chit society
- Choice theory
- Chremotistics
- Chronic unemployment
- Circular flow
- Circular integration
- Circulating medium
- Class price
- Class standard of living
- Class union
- Classfication plan
- Classical economics
- Classical liberalism
- Classified tax
- Closed shop
- Closed trade
- Co-determination
- Co-efficient of acceleration
- Co-efficient of cross-elasticity
- Co-incident indicator
- Co-operative collective farming society
- Co-operative consolidaiton of holdings society
- Co-operative credit and thrift society
- Co-operative enterprise
- Co-operative marketing
- Co-operative pension plan
- Co-operative production
- Cobb-Douglas production function
- Cobweb chart
- Cog hog cycle
- Coin of the realm
- Coincident indicator
- Colbertion system
- Collective farm
- Collective investment
- Collective savings
- Collective wealth
- Colombo plan
- Colonizer
- Comfort
- Commercial crisis
- Commercial labour
- Commercial revenue
- Committee of European Economic Co-operation
- Committee on Profit Sharing
- Commodity concept of labour
- Commulative advantage
- Community indifference curve
- Community savings
- Company discretionary income
- Company income
- Comparative dynamics
- Comparative statics
- Compensable injury
- Compensated dollar
- Compensation award
- Compensatory action of double standard
- Compensatory borrowing
- Compensatory principle of bimet allism
- Competency card
- Competing groups of labour
- Competitive
- Competitive bidding
- Competitive demand
- Competitive index
- Competitiveness indices compilation
- Complementary demand
- Complementary factors
- Complementary function
- Complementary job
- Composite rent
- Composite supply
- Composite unit
- Compound duty (compound tariff)
- Compound interest method of depreciation
- Compound tariff (compound duty)
- Compromise benefit
- Compulsory borrowing
- Compulsory transfer
- Concealed pension plan
- Concealment of income
- Concentration ratio
- Concentric chart
- Concept of labour
- Concessional tax treatment
- Conciliation officer
- Concrete capital
- Concrete labour
- Conjuncture
- Conscience money
- Consent settlement
- Consol
- Consolidated bond
- Consolidation of holdings
- Conspicuous consumption
- Constant demand
- Constant marginal cost
- Constant price
- Constant returns
- Constant wage
- Construction cooperative
- Consumer jury
- Contactual function
- Contingent duty (countervailing duty)
- Contingent obligation
- Continuous market
- Contract curve
- Contract price
- Contract rent
- Contraction of demand
- Contractual function
- Contractual wage
- Control of investment
- Controlled credit
- Controlled economy
- Conurbation
- Conventional necessaries
- Convertibility crisis
- Convertible paper money
- Core project
- Corporate financing
- Corporate income
- Corporate savings
- Corresponding price
- Cosmopolitan wealth
- Cost of living adjustment
- Cost of living index
- Cost of service principle of taxation
- Cosumption group
- Counter speculation
- Counter-balancing duty
- Counter-cyclical measures
- Countervailing power
- Countervailing tariff
- Crawling peg
- Creation of wants
- Credit agency
- Credit monetization
- Credit multiplier
- Credit rationing
- Credit tranche
- Credit-financed investment
- Creditor nation
- Creeping inflation
- Crisis theory
- Critical level of output
- Critical population
- Crop
- Crop competition
- Crop protection society
- Crop sharing
- Cross elasticity
- Crude birth rate
- Crude death rate
- Cuclical deflation
- Cultivable land
- Cultivating labourer
- Cumulative advantage