"अर्थशास्त्र-B" श्रेणी में पृष्ठ
इस श्रेणी की कुल ६८ में से ६८ पृष्ठ निम्नलिखित हैं।
- Back door financing
- Backward linkage
- Backwash effect
- Bad money
- Bargaining unit
- Base bullion
- Base metal
- Base surphlus plan
- Basic motion time (BMT)
- Basic necessities
- Basic point rate
- Basic work data
- Batch production
- Bayesian statistics
- Bedaux point system
- Beggar-my-neighbo-our tactics
- Behaviour lines
- Bell shaped curve
- Belo Plan
- Benami loan
- Beneficial rates
- Beneficient expenditure
- Benefit theory of taxation
- Benefit year
- Bequests tax
- Better farming society
- Better living society
- Betterment fund
- Betting tax
- Bidding theory
- Bilateral flow
- Bilateralism (bilateral trade)
- Bill of costs
- Bill of materials
- Bill rate
- Bimetallic issue
- Birth rate range
- Black listing
- Blanket tax
- Blighted area
- Block meter rate
- Blue collar union
- Bombay plan
- Bonanza
- Boot
- Boot money
- Bottom price
- Branch points
- Brand development index
- Brand form market
- Brazen law of wages
- Bread earner (bread winner)
- Bread work
- Breaking point rate
- Bridge rate
- Budgetary balance
- Budgetary deficit
- Budgetary surplus
- Building society
- Built in stabilizer (automatic stabilizer)
- Bulk transaction
- Buoyant economy
- Burden of taxation
- Business cycle
- Business unionism
- Business wealth
- Butty system
- By-product