उपसर्ग अनुसार पृष्ठ
नेविगेशन पर जाएँ
खोज पर जाएँ
- Act
- Act of God
- Act of honour (acceptance for honour)
- Act of misconduct
- Act of omission and commission
- Act of vandalism
- Acting
- Acting (as in Acting Director)
- Acting Lance Daffadar
- Acting allowance
- Acting in good faith
- Acting in official capacity
- Acting service
- Actinic
- Action
- Action anthropology
- Action as at ‘A’ above
- Action at once please
- Action committee
- Action display
- Action has already been taken in the matter
- Action has not yet been initiated
- Action is required to be taken early
- Action is underway
- Action may be taken accordingly
- Action may be taken as proposed
- Action pattern
- Action plan
- Action play
- Action programme
- Action programme (programme of action)
- Actionable
- Activate
- Activation
- Active
- Active absorption
- Active balance
- Active bond
- Active capital
- Active circulation of notes
- Active deposit (derivative deposit)
- Active duty
- Active list
- Active market
- Active money
- Active population
- Active stock
- Actively
- Activist
- Activity
- Activity co-efficient
- Activity method
- Activity period
- Activity ratio
- Activity school
- Acts of commission and omission
- Acts of firm
- Actual
- Actual cash value
- Actual criminal (real criminal)
- Actual delivery
- Actual frequency
- Actual hours
- Actual money
- Actual price
- Actual rate of growth
- Actual receipts
- Actual rent
- Actual solid loss
- Actual travelling expense
- Actual wage (=real wage)
- Actually issed
- Actuals
- Actuary