श्रेणी:सांस्कृतिक मानवशास्त्र-P
नेविगेशन पर जाएँ
खोज पर जाएँ
"सांस्कृतिक मानवशास्त्र-P" श्रेणी में पृष्ठ
इस श्रेणी की कुल २०९ में से २०० पृष्ठ निम्नलिखित हैं।
(पिछला पृष्ठ) (अगला पृष्ठ)P
- Paddle and anvil method
- Painted pebble
- Palaeco-sociation
- Palaeographist
- Palaeolithic custom
- Palaeolithic industry
- Palaver court
- Panacea
- Pannikin
- Pao pao
- Papuan people
- Parallel evolution
- Parallelism effect
- Paramount
- Paramour
- Parent rock
- Parfleche
- Parish-priest
- Parka
- Parricide
- Parson
- Part culture
- Part society
- Partial association
- Particualr right
- Particularistic rule
- Partridge's eye design
- Passage dolmen
- Passive absorption
- Pastoral economy
- Pastoralist
- Pater
- Pathogenic agent
- Patri deme
- Patriarchal society
- Patterned joking
- Patu
- Peat soil
- Pecking
- Pegged stick
- Pelele
- Pelt
- Penultimate
- Penultimate glaciation
- Perforated brazier
- Perihelion
- Peripheral belief
- Peripheral contact
- Peripheral culture
- Peristylar forecourt
- Permissible mating
- Persilicic rock
- Personal magic
- Peruvian pottery
- Pestilence
- Petrograph
- Petrographic period
- Phaistos disc
- Phallic worship
- Phantasmal figure
- Pharmacopoeia
- Phragmites peat
- Phrygian cap
- Phthiriophagy
- Physical exaction
- Physical prowess
- Physiographical
- Physioplastic art
- Picotah
- Pict's house
- Pictographic sign
- Pictorial magic
- Piercer
- Pigmy implement
- Pile cloth
- Pile house
- Pile structure
- Pilgrim
- Pillage
- Pirmal
- Pise hut
- Piston bellows
- Pit cache
- Pit circle
- Pit trap
- Plait
- Plane flint
- Planitational acculturation
- Planned acculturation
- Planned change
- Planned cultural change
- Planned survey
- Plano-convex
- Pleistocece cronology
- Pliant stake
- Pliocene Period
- Plough culture
- Plough share
- Plough sulky (lister)
- Plutonic rock
- Pluviation
- Pocket deposit
- Point of impact
- Pointed
- Pointed flake tool
- Polishing stone
- Polluted water
- Polychronism
- Polyhedral core
- Polyphyletic
- Polysociation
- Polytype
- Pomeranian phase
- Poncho
- Pooling
- Population equilibrium
- Population sample
- Porcelain basin
- Porous rock
- Portable art
- Positive observances
- Positive reversal
- Positive sanction
- Post-Darwinjian period
- Post-dating
- Post-exposure burial
- Postulational method
- Potable
- Potential mating group
- Potential spouse
- Pottery clay
- Practical problem
- Practical syllogism
- Pragmatic approach
- Prayer
- Pre-ancestor
- Pre-boreal period
- Pre-Chellean Epoch
- Pre-cultural
- Pre-Darwinian
- Pre-emptive right
- Pre-existing rock
- Predator
- Preformation
- Prehistoric earthwork
- Prepared core technique
- Prescriptive mating
- Preservation of the body
- Pressure moraine
- Priest
- Priestess
- Primal times
- Primary era
- Primary flake
- Primary kin
- Primary rock
- Primative economy
- Primitial offering
- Primitive hominid
- Primitivism
- Primordial
- Principal marriage
- Prismatic blade
- Prismatic flake
- Pristine function
- Private delict
- Private forest
- Private prosecution
- Privileged joking
- Proclivity
- Productive magic
- Profanation
- Profane
- Progenitor
- Prognathism (prognathy)
- Projective
- Proselytization
- Protected forest
- Protective magic
- Proto-god
- Proto-human type
- Proto-levalloisian
- Proto-literate seal
- Proto-Malay
- Proto-microlithc
- Proto-morphic
- Proto-Solutrean
- Protocultural
- Protogyny
- Prow
- Proxifather
- Proximity pollution
- Psammite
- Psychic organic
- Psychological conservatism
- Puberty dance
- Pulley
- Pump drill
- Punalua
- Puncheon